Becoming a
Certified Primitive Reflex Clinical Specialist* (CPRCS) is the easiest way to transform your career forever. This certification will set you apart from other rehab professionals as the clinician capable of increasing patient function regardless of age, who will improve outcomes, and people's lives.
With your certification, you'll become the expert in:
Assessment — Ability to test and assess retained primitive reflexes, tone qualities, and abnormalities.
Identification — Recognize neurologic signs and symptoms associated with specific primitive reflex retention.
Comprehension — Understand the connection between primitive reflexes and self-regulation and the impact primitive reflexes have on higher-level skills (ex. reading, writing, math).
Neuroplasticity — Understand brain development, typical developmental milestones, and causes of primitive reflex retention, and understand methods of using neuroplasticity techniques.
Treatment — Integration strategies and neuroplasticity to promote midbrain and cortical function, including positioning, brain rhythm, visual alignment, cranial nerve sensation, and sensory processing.
And by the end of this self-paced training, you'll also be prepared to demonstrate proper assessment of the:
Moro Reflex | Palmar Reflex | Asymmetrical Tonic Neck Reflex | Symmetrical Tonic Neck Reflex | Tonic Labyrinthine Reflex | Spinal Galant Reflex
Certification Made Simple
It's never been easier to become a Certified Primitive Reflex Clinical Specialist* (CPRCS):
Step 1: Watch this online course.
Step 2: Complete the CE test(s) and instantly print your certificate(s) of completion.
Step 3: Contact Karen Pryor to set up your FREE individualized consultation — details after purchase.
Step 4: Submit your certification documentation to Evergreen Certifications.* We'll even cover the certification fee so you can become a Certified Primitive Reflex Clinical Specialist* (CPRCS) at no additional cost!