Join EFT developer Sue Johnson's hand-selected team of trainers to discover the empirically validated approach that's now the gold-standard for treating couples
There's no denying that couples therapy is one of the most challenging forms of therapy…
…and it can quickly leave you feeling overwhelmed, disheartened, and questioning if you've failed your clients.
Fortunately, thanks to the revolutionary work of Dr. Sue Johnson, there's a far better way to work with couples and relationships.
Her Emotionally Focused Couples Therapy (EFCT) approach revolutionized our field by offering the clear, structured roadmap we need to guide partners from disconnection to deeply connected, fulfilling relationships — even when working with relationships troubled by issues such as trauma, anxiety, and grief.
Now, you can be part of this exclusive training that's led by the three expert instructors whom Sue Johnson personally chose as guides for the next generation of couples therapists.
Featuring certified EFCT trainers Robin Williams Blake, James Hawkins, and Kathryn de Bruin — who come from diverse clinical backgrounds and actively see clients just like yours — this essential training will equip you with the crucial skills to build secure, resilient relationships.
With this program, you'll get access to tailored instruction, real in-session videos, and in-depth dialogues between the trainers that break down, step by step, exactly how to apply the evidence-based EFCT interventions — from the very first moment of therapy until its conclusion.
Register today and become confident in your ability to offer clients secure and satisfying relationships.